

Brackets for lighting poles

  • pylon bracket - part of pylon, put on upper end of pylon, for light attachment
  • lot of different types of brackets
  • one-, two- , three- and four-arm brackets
  • decorative barackets, construction-kit brackets
  • arched, refracted etc.


SK - refracted bracket, fixed with 3 screws, for pylons S,K,KL,KLA,KLBSK . - SKA,SKB, SKC, SKD, SKE - construction-kit brackets, for pylons S,K,KL,KLA,KLBD . - DA, DB, DC - assembled brackets, for pylons S,K,KL,KLA,KLBG - arched bracket, fixed with 4 screws, for pylons GA,GLAGD - refracted bracket, fixed with 3 screws, for pylons GA,GLAUZA - arched bracket, fixed with 4 screws, for pylons UZ,UZL,UZM,UZNUZB - arched bracket, fixed with 4 screws, for pylons UZ,UZL,UZM,UZNUZD - refracted bracket, fixed with 3 screws, for pylons J,U,UDJ - arched bracket, fixed with 4 screws, for pylons J,U,UDUD - refracted bracket, fixed with 3 screws, for pylons J,U,UDJZ - arched bracket, fixed on the wall with steel belts

Where to find us

Kooperativa vod družstvo

+420 327 551 440
+420 327 551 464

Sázavská 504
285 04 Uhlířské Janovice

IČ: 00028525, DIČ: CZ00028525
č. účtu CZK: 416-161/0100
Zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl DrXCIX, vložka 696
Czech republic

Na Letišti 147
75002 Bochoř-Přerov 2
Czech republic

Pro projektanty