

Necessitatibus inventore et et et possimus consequatur distinctio. Dolorem est est id qui id nemo porro autem. Deserunt aut dignissimos atque illo illo amet.

Our stand at Ampera attracts attention

The Kooperativa vod stand at Amper fair 2024 attracted visitors


Invitation to the Amper fair 2024

Dear friends, visit our stand at the Amper fair from March 19 to 21, 2024 in Brno.


New entrance to Kooperativa vod družstvo

From July 1, 2023, we have a new entrance to the area from Sázavská Street 504.


We reduced prices of lighting poles

We have discounted steel poles and brackets.


Steel lighting poles on stock

We have stocked up well for the last months of the year and you will find the most common 22 types of lighting poles in stock, along with the other most common brackets.


Where to find us

Kooperativa vod družstvo

+420 327 551 440
+420 327 551 464

Sázavská 504
285 04 Uhlířské Janovice

IČ: 00028525, DIČ: CZ00028525
č. účtu CZK: 416-161/0100
Zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl DrXCIX, vložka 696
Czech republic

Na Letišti 147
75002 Bochoř-Přerov 2
Czech republic

Pro projektanty