Presentation at the MPL Trading workshop
We presented ZAKO door frames at our friendly company MPL Trading
On January 31, 2024, our sales representatives Jaroslav Mazánek and Jiří Ondráček took part in a workshop organized by our long-term partner MPL Trading, where they presented the news of our range of ZAKO door frames and answered countless questions regarding the technical design and installation options. We are very grateful to our loyal business partners for this presentation opportunity and we look forward to further cooperation.
Where to find us
Kooperativa vod družstvo
+420 327 551 440
+420 327 551 464
Sázavská 504
285 04 Uhlířské Janovice
IČ: 00028525, DIČ: CZ00028525
č. účtu CZK: 416-161/0100
Zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl DrXCIX, vložka 696
Czech republic